Happy New Year everyone! Jan. 1, 2021 is Rigsby WI’s two year anniversary. Thanks to everyone who has been a reader over the past two years! I have gotten a lot of wonderful messages from both new readers and fans of my old comic, and even though I really really suck at responding to all of them, please know I really really appreciate all of the great feedback I have gotten over the past two years. This is a long form comic and is slated to go on for several more years, and getting so many words of encouragement is really heartening. Thank you all so much!


Also, just a monthly reminder, all of January’s pages will be available on Patreon on Jan. 1. I added a new feature to my Patreon that allows for annual subscriptions instead of paying month-by-month, and if you sign up as an annual member you’ll get 10% off of the membership fee. I’ve been updating Patreon for almost 2.5 years, so there is a lot of content there, especially if you sign up for the sketch blog — so check it out if that is something that interests you.